Solar for life

Ar-ray: (noun): 1. an impressive display or range of a particular type of thing.

At Array, we understand that life is different for everyone. Homes, families, jobs, and lifestyles aren’t “one size fits all.” You need flexibility, adaptability, and reliability.

Array has solar options for every lifestyle. If you’re considering incorporating solar into your home or new construction, we make the process easy with minimal impact on your life. Our modules don’t require any additional framing, racking, or brackets. 

Array’s solar modules seamlessly and quickly integrate into existing roofs, new architecture, and many prefabricated dwelling units without adding much weight or interrupting design lines. Our modules are lightweight, flexible, and easily installed.

“We envision a future where more surfaces will have solar generating clean power. Because thin, lightweight, flexible solar can go places where traditional solar can’t. And that means more solar working worldwide and less carbon footprint. For a brighter future, cleaner world.”

Philip Gao | CEO Sunflare

Solar for the planet

Climate change is the top of conversation and concern in today’s world. But unfortunately, we live in a fast-paced environment with little time to consider our carbon footprint.

Solar modules don’t produce pollutants or release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere while generating energy, but what about the manufacturing process? Our solar modules have the lowest carbon footprint among all energy sources. Now that’s something to talk about!

Array’s manufacturing process is better for the planet for generations to come. Our goal wasn’t just the result of a better solar panel. We want the entire process to make as little impact on our planet as possible. We use an extremely thin, light-absorbing CIGS layer with less than 1 mm of elemental materials in its production process. We checked all of the boxes.

Array lightweight modules have a carbon dioxide footprint of only 1/10 of glass and a lower climate contribution than on-shore and off-shore wind.*

Changing Solar. Changing the world.

Over the past three years, solar energy has doubled. Yet it's still less than 2% of the world's total energy production.

At Array, we are committed to doing our part to reduce the world's carbon footprint and create a healthier planet for this and future generations.

Array’s sole focus is on the principle of making renewable solar energy available to all. Together, we will change the world one residence at a time.


Array by Sunflare

Array is a product series for everything residential by Sunflare Co., leaders of the next generation of solar technology. We are the first company to mass-produce light, thin, flexible, and durable CIGS solar panels successfully. These revolutionary panels can seamlessly and easily integrate into existing residential roof structures, new architecture, and many manufactured products that need power without adding weight or interrupting the aerodynamics or design lines. At Sunflare, we believe in a future where everything built under the sun--is powered by the sun.

Sunflare Office Locations

Global Headquarters

1693 Yeager Avenue, La Verne, CA 91750